Results for 'Albert M. Krąpiec'

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  1. Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec (25 V 1921-8 V 2008). Filozof w białym habicie - w powołaniu do służby Mądrości.Urszula M. Żegleń - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (3).
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    (1 other version)Człowiek, kultura, uniwersytet.Mieczyslw Albert Krapiec & Teresa Zawojska - 1982 - Lublin: Author-Publishers (PL). Edited by Andrzej Wawrzyniak.
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    Człowiek w kulturze.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1990 - Warszawa: Pallottinum II.
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  4. Dlaczego zło?Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1995 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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  5. Ja-człowiek.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1991 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Ja--człowiek: zarys antropologii filozoficznej.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1974 - Lublin: Tow. Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Ludzka wolność i jej granice.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 2000 - Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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  8. Metaphysics: An Outline of the History of Being.Miecyslaw Albert KRAPIEC - 1991
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    Metafizyka; zarys podstawowych zagadnién.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1966 - Poznań,: Pallottinum.
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    Ja-człowiek.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1991 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Stanisław Kamiński.
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    O obiektywne podstawy moralności.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1984 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 32 (2):187-194.
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    Poznawać czy myśleć: problemy epistemologii tomistycznej.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 1994 - Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Knowledge and Reality.Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1):29-35.
    The article discusses knowledge and reality. In his most important book, “The Metaphysics,” Aristotle wrote that all men, by nature want to know. They want to know the world itself and know themselves. This knowledge is present in the whole of human history. Some thought about the world is present, some thought about man is present.
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  14. The propensity theory: a decision-theoretic restatement.M. Albert - 2007 - Synthese 156 (3):587-603.
    Probability theory is important because of its relevance for decision making, which also means: its relevance for the single case. The propensity theory of objective probability, which addresses the single case, is subject to two problems: Humphreys’ problem of inverse probabilities and the problem of the reference class. The paper solves both problems by restating the propensity theory using (an objectivist version of) Pearl’s approach to causality and probability, and by applying a decision-theoretic perspective. Contrary to a widely held view, (...)
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  15. Scientific Competition: Theory and Policy, Conferences on New Political Economy.M. Albert, D. Schmidtchen & S. Voigt (eds.) - 2003 - Mohr Siebeck.
  16. Cognitive development.M. S. Albert, Adele D. Diamond, R. H. Fitch, Helen J. Neville, Petere R. Rapp & Paula A. Tallal - 1999 - In M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom (eds.), Fundamental Neuroscience.
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    Medical Ethics and Medical Professionalism in Low and Middle Income (LAMIC) Countries: Challenges and Implications.Albert M. E. Coleman - 2015 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):1-7.
    This article examines the (bio) ethical and professionalism issues that may arise in the context of medical practice in low and middle income countries (LAMIC), and the challenges this poses for medical regulatory bodies in the regions, in upholding ethics in professional practice. A quadrangle of source of the problems given rise to the breach of ethics in medical practice is identified, and suggested steps, based on ethical principles and concept, is proposed towards the resolution of the problems presented. As (...)
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    A pragmatic theory of locally standard grammar.Albert M. Sweet - 1984 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25 (4):364-382.
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    (1 other version)Bounded Obstructions, Model Companions and Amalgamation Bases.M. H. Albert & S. Burris - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (2):109-115.
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    Cerebral dominance for consciousness.M. L. Albert, R. Silverberg, A. Reches & M. Berman - 1976 - Archives of Neurology 33:453-4.
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    Toward a pragmatical explication of epistemic modalities.Albert M. Sweet - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (2):145-150.
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    Sur la production d'une lèvre blastoporale chez Les amphibiens.Albert M. Dalcq - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4):330-337.
    Les conditions dans lesquelles on peut susciter expérimentalement, chez les Amphibiens, une lèvre blastoporale surnuméraire ont été rappelées. Une interprétation a été esquissée en se basant sur des recherches plus récentes de microstructure, d'embryologie moléculaire et de cytochimie.The various techniques, by which a secondary blastoporal lip can be obtained in Amphibians have been recorded. Their intelligence is more or less increased by recent information due to electromicroscopy, molecular embryology and cytochemistry.
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    Animism and materialism in Whitehead's organic philosophy.Albert M. Dunham - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):41-47.
  24. Brain asymmetry.Albert M. Galaburda & Glenn D. Rosen - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Developmental dyslexia and animal studies: at the interface between cognition and neurology.Albert M. Galaburda - 1994 - Cognition 50 (1-3):133-149.
    Recent findings in autopsy studies, neuroimaging, and neurophysiology indicate that dyslexia is accompanied by fundamental changes in brain anatomy and physiology, involving several anatomical and physiological stages in the processing stream, which can be attributed to anomalous prenatal and immediately postnatal brain development. Epidemiological evidence in dyslexic families led to the discovery of animal models with immune disease, comparable anatomical changes and learning disorders, which have added needed detail about mechanisms of injury and plasticity to indicate that substantial changes in (...)
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    La pensée philosophique médiévale. Contribution canadienne (1960-1973).Albert-M. Landry - 1974 - Philosophiques 1 (2):111-139.
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    A semantic explication of metaphysical analogy.Albert M. Sweet - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (4):595-604.
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    The Pragmatics and Semiotics of Standard Languages.Albert M. Sweet - 1988 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Sweet describes the pragmatic foundations of standard logic and applies these foundations to the task of developing a theory of intended models as an extension of standard model theory in which the relevant "intending" is represented pragmatically. Methods of formal logic are used to investigate the structure of the relation between language and the world. The truism which holds that this relation includes the speaker as well as the object spoken about is formally explicated and applied to the problem of (...)
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  29. Prisoner's Dilemma.Anatol Rapoport & Albert M. Chammah - 1966 - Synthese 16 (3):394-395.
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    Das Naturrecht in thomistischer Beleuchtung. Thomistische Studien, II Band. [REVIEW]Albert Krąpiec - 1949 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 2:457-458.
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    Toward understanding Saint Thomas.Marie-Dominique Chenu, Albert M. Landry & D. Hughes - 1964 - Chicago,: H. Regnery Co..
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    O rozumienie Arystotelesa.M. A. Krąpiec - 1965 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 13 (1):129-130.
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  33. Człowiek jako byt osobowy.„.M. A. Krąpiec - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 18:1-2.
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    Saint Thomas d'Aquin. Par A. Walz. Adaptation française par P. Novarina , Louvain-Paris, 1962. 248 pages. [REVIEW]Albert-M. Landry - 1964 - Dialogue 3 (1):101-102.
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    Albert Mieczysław Krąpiec’s theory of the person for professional nursing practice.Marcin Paweł Ferdynus - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12286.
    This article presents the works of great Polish philosopher, Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec, whose creative output can be applied to professional nursing practice. Krąpiec's philosophical heritage is extensive and encompasses many philosophical fields: metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of law, philosophy of culture, philosophy of politics and philosophy of language. Krąpiec created an original philosophical synthesis characterized by a realistic approach. In this paper, I present only one of several original philosophical concepts developed by Krąpiec: the theory (...)
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    Some agenda items for a neurobiology of cognition: An introduction.Peter D. Eimas & Albert M. Galaburda - 1989 - Cognition 33 (1-2):1-23.
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    Personality in Japanese History.Grant K. Goodman, Albert M. Craig & Donald H. Shively - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):93.
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    The pragmatics of truth functions.Lucio Chiaraviglio & Albert M. Sweet - 1964 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 5 (3):191-198.
  39. The speed of constituent mental operations and its relationship to neuronal representation: An hypothesis.W. Milberg & M. Albert - 1991 - In R Lister & H. Weingartner (eds.), Perspectives on Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 368--383.
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  40. Development of language: A question of asymmetry and deviation.Glenn D. Rosen & Albert M. Galaburda - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox (eds.), Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Prisoner's Dilemma: A Study in Conflict and Co-operation.Alfred J. M. Flook, Anatol Rapoport & Albert M. Chammah - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (80):292.
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    East Asia: The Modern Transformation.Frederic Wakeman, John K. Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer & Albert M. Craig - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):244.
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    Benefits and payments for research participants: Experiences and views from a research centre on the Kenyan coast.M. Marsh Vicki, M. Kamuya Dorcas, M. Mlamba Albert, N. Williams Thomas & S. Molyneux Sassy - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics (1):13-.
    Background: There is general consensus internationally that unfair distribution of the benefits of research is exploitative and should be avoided or reduced. However, what constitutes fair benefits, and the exact nature of the benefits and their mode of provision can be strongly contested. Empirical studies have the potential to contribute viewpoints and experiences to debates and guidelines, but few have been conducted. We conducted a study to support the development of guidelines on benefits and payments for studies conducted by the (...)
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    East Asia Tradition and Transformation.Ross Isaac, John K. Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer & Albert M. Craig - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):123.
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  45. Note: Page numbers in italics refer to bibliography pages.M. J. Adams, R. J. Adams, E. H. Adelson, C. J. Aine, M. L. Albert, M. P. Alexander, J. M. Alklman, J. Allman, J. M. Allman & R. A. Andersen - 1994 - In Martha J. Farah & Graham Ratcliff (eds.), Neuropsychology of High Level Vision: Collected Tutorial Essays : Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition : Papers. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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  46. Austin, GA, 232.G. P. Aylward, I. Abramov, R. N. Adams, W. A. Ahroon, T. Alajouanine, M. Albert, J. Alegria, J. N. Allen, T. Allison & M. Alpern - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox (eds.), Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Implicit Normativity in Evidence-Based Medicine: A Plea for Integrated Empirical Ethics Research.Albert C. Molewijk, A. M. Stiggelbout, W. Otten, H. M. Dupuis & Job Kievit - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (1):69-92.
    This paper challenges the traditional assumption that descriptive and prescriptive sciences are essentially distinct by presenting a study on the implicit normativity of the production and presentation of biomedical scientific facts within evidence-based medicine. This interdisciplinary study serves as an illustration of the potential worth of the concept of implicit normativity for bioethics in general and for integrated empirical ethics research in particular. It demonstrates how both the production and presentation of scientific information in an evidence-based decision-support contain implicit presuppositions (...)
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    Civilization and Ethics.Albert Schweitzer, Charles Thomas Campion & Lilian M. Rigby Russell - 1923 - A. & C. Black.
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    Special Supplement: The Birth of Bioethics.Albert R. Jonsen, Shana Alexander, Judith P. Swazey, Warren T. Reich, Robert M. Veatch, Daniel Callahan, Tom L. Beauchamp, Stanley Hauerwas, K. Danner Clouser, David J. Rothman, Daniel M. Fox, Stanley J. Reiser & Arthur L. Caplan - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):S1.
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    Attachment Styles and Ethical Behavior: Their Relationship and Significance in the Marketplace.Lumina S. Albert & Leonard M. Horowitz - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (3):299-316.
    This paper compares the ethical standards reported by consumers and managers with different attachment styles (secure, preoccupied, fearful, or dismissing). We conducted two studies of consumer ethical beliefs and a third managerial survey. In Study 1, we used a questionnaire that we constructed, and in Study 2, we used the Muncy–Vitell Consumer Ethics Scale. The results in both the studies were consistent and showed that men reported a greater indifference to ethical transgressions than women. Based on the two studies, the (...)
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